Polder Schieveen
Polder Schieveen

Polder Schieveen - Rotterdam

N 51.966139 / E 4.44095

Escape from the hustle and bustle of the big city and recharge your batteries during a walk or bike ride through the meadows and polders of Polder Schieveen. This area has grown into a thriving nature reserve, with new opportunities for both birds and recreationists.

While cycling along the Berkelse Zweth, you can enjoy beautiful views of the lush greenery and calming water. Yellow plump, water lilies and reed spikes adorn the waterways, while swallows dart elegantly through the air, looking for tasty morsels. All this against the breathtaking backdrop of the Rotterdam skyline, which is as impressive as ever.

In this area, you can now also spot unusual meadow birds, such as the black-tailed godwit, spoonbill and redshank. The polders provide an ideal habitat for these beautiful birds, which find rest and raise their young here. It is a unique opportunity to observe these special bird species up close and enjoy their distinctive sounds and behaviour.

Don't forget to make a stop at the Hofweg, a vantage point where you can have a wonderful view of the area. From here, you can enjoy the sweeping views over the meadows, polders and waterways, while listening to the birdsong and hearing the wind whipping through the reeds. It is the perfect place to take a break and enjoy the natural beauty of the Rotterdam countryside.

Polder Schieveen

Polder Schieveen
Oude Bovendijk
3046 NL Rotterdam

Contact details
T: 035-6559911
E: info@natuurmonumenten.nl

Opening hours
Open 24 hours
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