Lochem cabbage hares

Lochem cabbage hares - Lochem

N 52.1430994 / E 6.3935462

In the days when people still hunted with bows and arrows, Lochem was plagued by hares. They ate the delicious cabbage that Lochemers had actually intended for themselves. One day a resident of the town went to his vegetable garden and was terribly frightened. A huge hare was feasting on his vegetable garden. Startled, he ran to the city centre. 'The mother of all hares is in my garden!' he panted. The locals ran with him and were also startled by the hare's huge size. They decided to take courage first.

Strengthened by the drink, they crept back towards the vegetable garden. The hare made a strange noise and the Lochemers ducked behind the hedge. Looking over the edge a moment later, they saw that the hare was lying on the ground with a strangely bent leg. He was now an easy target and triumphantly they shot at the animal with their arrows and bows. It was then slaughtered and even though the meat was not very tender, they decided to make a feast of it for the whole town.

Just when everyone had finished eating, a peasant couple from Wildenborch came into town. Their donkey had broken loose and was last seen walking towards Lochem

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Lochem cabbage hares
7241 RJ Lochem

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