Fotograaf: Fleurbaaij Kunst & Cultuur
Agora Theater
Agora Theater
Agora Theater
Agora Theater
Agora Theatre

Agora Theatre - Lelystad

N 52.5109322 / E 5.4762578

The first version of 'the Agora' was already in use in 1977. Then as a multifunctional centre in Lelystad, with a theatre, a swimming pool, a sports hall and an events hall. The architect, Frank van Klingeren, envisioned the building as an indoor Greek village square, also known as Agora. That is how the name for this building came about. In 2004, this building had to be demolished and a new theatre was built in its place.

The current building was officially opened in 2007. It was designed by architect Ben van Berkel. The exterior consists of colourful triangles that seem to be at odds with each other. The 23-metre-high stage tower needed to pull up stage sets, for example, has been completely hidden in the shape of the building.

The orange colour makes the Agora Theatre very striking. The colour was deliberately chosen by the architect: one day he was driving on the dyke from Enkhuizen to Lelystad when the sun went down. All kinds of shades of red and orange reflected on the water. The colours of sunrise and sunset in the water were the source of inspiration for the Agora. The glass elements and the perforated aluminium sheets make it seem as if the colour is constantly changing. In the interior, too, you are carried away by the romantic colours of the sun.

Fotograaf: Fleurbaaij Kunst & Cultuur
Agora Theater
Agora Theater
Agora Theater
Agora Theater

Agora Theatre
Agorabaan 12
8224 JS Lelystad

Contact details
T: 0900-0322

Check the website for the theatre's programme.

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