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Museum route through Frisian villages

length 34.28 km
theme villages, rural
Kcal 596
Fiets 1 hours 59 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 35 minutes

Grou, Warten, Raewerd

We deliberately chose not to make this museum route through Frisian villages too long, so that you have enough time left to explore all those special museums. The route starts in Grou, a characteristic water sports village in the municipality of Leeuwarden. Here you will immediately find the first museum; Hert fan Fryslân, a must if you want to learn more about the history of this region. But the Museum Bescherming Bevolking, where you can look inside an old command post, is also worth a visit.

Through typical Frisian countryside, green expansive views and lots of little waters, you cycle from village to village. Past Nauwe Galle, even before Warten is the next museum on the route. The Mineralogical Museum, where you can admire showcases full of mineral stones, gems and even fluorescent minerals. This museum is only open in the summer months, so check if you can go there.

In Warten, on the Wartenster Wild, you will find the next museum. This time it focuses on the history of this picturesque village on the water. The village is the gateway to De Alde Faenen National Park and tells the story of survival with, on, by and in the water.

Warga, is also a village under the municipality of Leeuwarden. It doesn't really have a museum, but this village, which grew up on a mound, does have a protected villagescape and 17 national monuments. One of these is Roordastate, which is right on this route.

Via Reduzum, also without a museum, but with a clay studio, you cycle on to Rauwerd, Raerd in Frisian. Raerd has a motorbike museum, where the Miedema family's extensive and unusual private collection can be admired.

On your return to Grou, you will not only have had the chance to see some impressive museums, but also to get to know the typical Frisian villages in this region a little better. And say it yourself; that's dochs in hiel moaie ûntdekking?!

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length 34.28 km
theme villages, rural
Kcal 596
Fiets 1 hours 59 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 35 minutes

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length 34.28 km
theme villages, rural
Kcal 596
Fiets 1 hours 59 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 35 minutes

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