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Cycle route along branches of the Rhine

length 47.05 km
theme historical, rural, nature
Kcal 826
Fiets 2 hours 45 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 12 minutes

Houten, Bunnik

This cycle route will take you over and along three different rivers. The Lower Rhine splits at Wijk bij Duurstede into two different branches, namely the Lek and Kromme Rijn. One of these side branches you will meet at Bunnik and here you will cycle a bit along the Kromme Rijn. Near Houten, you will pass the Lek and the Amsterdam-Rhine Canal. Cycle over the bridges and along the water and chances are you will see many different boats. You will also cycle through the city Houten where you can have a nice rest at the Horecaplein at Heren van Houten.

Add a few forts or castles to this cycle route to make it complete.

Attention: From May to September 2022, there are road works between junctions 06 and 68. Please follow the yellow diversions signs.

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length 47.05 km
theme historical, rural, nature
Kcal 826
Fiets 2 hours 45 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 12 minutes

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length 47.05 km
theme historical, rural, nature
Kcal 826
Fiets 2 hours 45 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 12 minutes

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