Cycle route from Jail to Jail

Veenhuizen, Doldersum, Zorgvlied
No punishment, this fascinating tour!
This impressive cycle route takes you from Hoeve Boschoord to monumental Veenhuizen. The monumental building 'Farm Colony VII' was put into use by the Society of Benevolence at the time for the reception of 'juvenile antisocials', and punishment and re-education are still central in Veenhuizen too. More than a hundred national monuments bear witness to a rich past.
On the way, you cycle through National Park Drents-Friese Wold, one of the most beautiful and important nature reserves in Europe, and the vast bog landscape of the Fochteloërveen. Breathtakingly beautiful. Culture and nature come together here, so to speak!
Note: from junction 32, go to junction 21 possibly first to junction 19. Take the cycle path to the left here, past Hoeve Boschoord, then cycle straight on to get to junction 12 and then back to junction 14.
Photo: ©WeldadigOord
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