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Cycle route from Almen to the Hanseatic towns

53.75 km
historical, nature
3 hours 32 minutes
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Route contains
27 nodes

Deventer, Zutphen, Almen

The area around Almen, Deventer and Zutphen is a true cycling paradise! With vast forests, picturesque villages and historic towns, this region offers everything you need for a perfect cycling trip. Besides the beautiful countryside, there are also plenty of interesting sights to discover.

Get on your bike in the small Achterhoek village of Almen. Peace, space, greenery and lots to see and do, or as they say themselves in Almen: Almen has it. Visit Museum STAAL, for example, which focuses on one of the most important poets in Dutch literature, A.C.W. Staring. Or admire the church in the middle of the village, with a history dating back to the 13th century. Staring already wrote about the 'Almensch Kerkje' in his most famous poem 'De hoofdige boer'.

From Almen, you cycle through beautiful woodlands, meandering rivers such as the Berkel and gorgeous coulisse landscapes to Gorssel. The village is small, but its pretty centre is not to be missed! The old town hall is now part of Museum MORE, a museum of modern realistic painting by Dutch artists. Or admire diligent labour at the artisanal Rope maker Steenbergen. Here, rope is still made as it has been for four generations.

After Gorssel, follow the junctions to the first Hanseatic city of this route: Deventer, also one of the oldest cities in the Netherlands. The Lebuinus church already towers above the facades. In the city centre, you will enjoy strolling through the winding, narrow streets. Especially when you cycle or walk along Walstraat, it feels like you have travelled back to the Middle Ages on a time machine. The historic city centre is a gem and is beautifully situated on the river IJssel. On this route, we have added a number of museums worth visiting.

Swing along the IJssel towards the south and cross the Oude IJsselbrug to arrive at the second Hanseatic city: Zutphen. This city in Gelderland is a still undiscovered gem, but you will change that today. Enter Zutphen's city gates and here, too, it is as if time has stood still. Great historical buildings, narrow shopping streets with the cutest little shops, pretty green courtyards hidden in the centre.... We have added some popular sights to the route, such as the Broederenkerk and the Berkelruïne, but there is so much more to discover in Zutphen!

Be surprised with this breathtaking cycle route, which combines the beauty of the Achterhoek and a little bit of Salland with the floodplains of the IJssel and atmospheric Hanseatic towns.

Tip: Is 55 km too long for you? Shorten the route at junction 27/17. Between these two junctions, you can cross the IJssel with the Dommerholtsveer and then continue the route via the junctions. You will thus skip Deventer, making the route about 41 km.

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53.75 km
historical, nature
3 hours 32 minutes
route contains
Route contains
27 nodes

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53.75 km
historical, nature
3 hours 32 minutes
route contains
Route contains
27 nodes

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