
Bolwerksmolen - Deventer

N 52.246595 / E 6.154265

In 1861, the lumber merchants brothers Abraham and Frank Elfrink received permission from the municipality of Deventer to build a saw mill on the Bolwerk. In 1863, the mill was put into operation. After 1898, Hendrik Ennen joined this mill as miller. In 1917, he entered into a lease for the land with the Municipality, which would last until 1947. But in 1927, the mill went downhill fast. By then, Ennen is already working at N.V. Stoomhoutzagerij De Wilpse Dijk. The mill is used only as a storage shed. In 1931, Ennen sells the mill to his employer De Wilpse Dijk. This company immediately extended the lease with the municipality until 1967. After expropriation in 1967, the mill fell further into disrepair and surrounding houses were demolished.

On the initiative of an action group, which wanted to restore the mill to its former glory, the external restoration of the mill began in 1974. The action group was then changed to the Bolwerksmolen Foundation. In 1976, the work was completed, including a new miller's house in appropriate style; and the Foundation took over the running of the mill. A major restoration of this mill was started in the autumn of 2005 and completed on 12 May 2007.


Bolwerksweg 6
7419 AA Deventer

Contact details
T: 0570-615040

Opening hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10:00 - 16:00
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed
Saturday 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday Closed

Opening hours are from May to September: Saturday and Tuesday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and by appointment

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