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Beastly fun cycle route

length 38.16 km
theme birds, villages
Kcal 713
Fiets 2 hours 22 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 54 minutes

Nunspeet, 't Harde, Vierhouten

From Vierhouten to Nunspeet and via 't Harde back to Vierhouten, 40 beautiful kilometres through nature and animal-related Pit stops. Start your cycle route in Vierhouten. In the forest at Het Frusselt 32, you can park on Parking Vierhouten and then start your route at junction 15 in the direction of Nunspeet.

Nunspeet is a beautiful old village on the Veluwe. Exactly how old Nunspeet is is not clear but where the church now stands, there was already one in 1313. The first beastly Pit stop you come across is Molen de Duif. This mill dates back to 1886 and is still kept in operation by its foundation.

Cycle through the nature of the Veluwe through to 't Harde, which owes its name to the harder ground this village is built on. Almost arriving in 't Harde, you can dismount at the A. Vogeltuinen. Feast your eyes on all the brightly coloured flowers and plants and learn more about medicinal herbs.

You continue the cycle route back towards Vierhouten. During your route over the Veluwe it is advisable to keep your eyes open, who knows, you might spot something beastly in the bushes. You can spot boars, deer, foxes, badgers and pine marten. Of course, you have the best chances of spotting wildlife around sunrise, so for the enthusiast: set that alarm clock!

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length 38.16 km
theme birds, villages
Kcal 713
Fiets 2 hours 22 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 54 minutes

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length 38.16 km
theme birds, villages
Kcal 713
Fiets 2 hours 22 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 54 minutes

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