Korenmolen De Zwaluw
Wheat mill De Zwaluw

Wheat mill De Zwaluw - Hoogeveen

N 52.7253174 / E 6.482499

Add Wheat mill De Zwaluw to your cycle route and stop to look at this tower mill. Including its sails, this mill is 35 metres high. This means that the wind can be caught well. The mill contains a buil loft, grinding loft, stone loft and cap loft. You can walk on the scaffold, which is some ten metres high, and look out over Hoogeveen.

The mill has a shop where they sell various products. You can buy wheat, spelt, barley, oats, rye, buckwheat, corn and rice. On the website of Wheat mill De Zwaluw, you will find an extensive overview of all products that are ground and sold here.

Will you get off your bike and visit this mill? Hear the gears creak, smell the freshly ground flour and experience the special atmosphere that hangs in a mill. When the mill is running or the blue mill flag is flying, you can always drop in.

Korenmolen De Zwaluw

Wheat mill De Zwaluw
Van Echtenstraat 47
7902 EL Hoogeveen

Contact details
T: +31528277221
E: korenmolendezwaluw@hotmail.com

Opening hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 09:30 - 12:30
Friday 13:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:30 - 12:30
Sunday Closed

Also open when the sails are turning or the mill flag is flying.

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