Spengense Molen
Spengense Mill

Spengense Mill - Kockengen

N 52.160858 / E 4.935133

The Spengense Mill can be reached on foot via a canal dug in the middle ages; the path along the Bijleveld. The name Spengen is derived from 'Spain' and was a kind of fantasy name for the medieval reclamations. The windmill was used to pump the polders dry.

The present windmill was built in 1841, after its predecessor burned down. Until 1962, the windmill was used to regulate the water management in the Bijleveld polder, after which this task was taken over by an electric pumping station. Since 1963, the mill has been owned by the Utrecht Windmills Foundation.

In 1985 and 1986, the windmill underwent a thorough restoration. The mill was also jacked up and straightened. The windmill is still used to drain the 1150-hectare polder.

Spengense Molen

Spengense Mill
Wagendijk 72
3628 ET Kockengen

Contact details
T: +31 30-2281262

Opening hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours

Also open by appointment.

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