Vogelpark Ruinen
Vogelpark Ruinen
Bird Park Ruinen

Bird Park Ruinen - Ruinen

N 52.7552328 / E 6.3890638

Vogelpark Ruinen has a unique population of Dutch meadow and wading birds. The curlew, redshank, black-tailed godwit, oystercatcher, avocet and lapwing can all be seen in a natural habitat. In this way, the Bird Park contributes to the protection and preservation of the Dutch meadowlarks and waders, because their numbers in the wild have declined considerably. The bird park specialises in European species and their tropical relatives. The snowy owl, the park's logo, is a Dutch wanderer and can of course be admired here. Other impressive birds are the other owls, the capercaillie and the enormous Guillemot. You will think differently about the crows, jays, geese, ducks, pigeons and starlings when you see their tropical cousins. Of course, there are also special little birds, such as the weaverbirds with their fantastic nests.

Stroll along the footpaths and settle down at the terrace for a cup of coffee, tea, soft drink or ice cream. The children can play in the playground.

Vogelpark Ruinen
Vogelpark Ruinen

Bird Park Ruinen
Postweg 3
7963 PD Ruinen

Contact details
T: 06-20017324

Opening hours
Monday 12:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 12:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 12:00 - 17:00
Thursday 12:00 - 17:00
Friday 12:00 - 17:00
Saturday 12:00 - 17:00
Sunday 12:00 - 17:00

These opening hours apply in July and August. For other opening hours, please check the website.

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