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Liberation route | Liberated by the Poles

length 40.4 km
theme historical
Kcal 769
Fiets 2 hours 33 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 3 minutes

Breda, Rijsbergen

The Liberation Routes Brabant are eight cycle routes, spread throughout the province, that take you along the stories of World War II and the liberation. Did you know that Polish soldiers also played an important role in the liberation of the Netherlands? In 1944, Poles liberated the city of Breda under the command of General Maczek. Follow the victory march of the Poles with this cycle route.

Not many people know that Poles also worked to liberate large parts of the Netherlands. General Maczek devised a plan in which Breda would be spared as much as possible. This succeeded; many buildings were left standing and there were no civilian casualties. But unfortunately, many Polish soldiers had to pay for the battle with their lives.

This cycle route introduces you to General Maczek, who did not have an easy life after the war. Cycle through the Brabant countryside and visit the traces the Poles left behind in their fight and victory.

Photo: ©Stadsarchief Breda, via VisitBrabant Routebureau

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length 40.4 km
theme historical
Kcal 769
Fiets 2 hours 33 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 3 minutes

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length 40.4 km
theme historical
Kcal 769
Fiets 2 hours 33 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 3 minutes

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