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Flamingo cycle route

length 52.13 km
theme birds, villages, rural
Kcal 1153
Fiets 3 hours 50 minutes
E-bike 3 hours 4 minutes

Haaksbergen, Zwillbroek, Rekken

During this cycle route, you will cycle from Haaksbergen to Zwillbrocker Venn in Germany.

Zwillbrocker Venn is an area home to a group of flamingos, which have been living here for more than 20 years. Every year, the flamingos attract many tourists who come to Zwillbrocker Venn from all corners of Europe to view these beautiful birds in their natural habitat. The difference between the flamingos at Zwillbrocker Venn and flamingos found elsewhere in the world is that the flamingos at Zwillbrocker Venn are a very unique species. They are a hybrid between the African and European species, meaning they have traits of both species. They are a bit smaller than the African species and have a darker colour than the European one. They also have a different feeding pattern, which depends on the environment. Flamingos at Zwillbrocker Venn mainly eat algae, freshwater crayfish and insects.

The nature around Haaksbergen is an impressive array of forests, quiet streams, lakes and ponds, among others. The small villages and farms in the area capture the imagination and take you back in time. Haaksbergen itself is a small town of great beauty. It is one of the oldest places in the region, with a rich history dating back to the Middle Ages.

In the Middle Ages, the town lay on the border of the dukedoms of Twente and Gelre. At that time, the village was a crucial defensive location, where the dukes could gather their armies to defend the town. In the late Middle Ages, Haaksbergen became an important trading place, where many different goods were traded.

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length 52.13 km
theme birds, villages, rural
Kcal 1153
Fiets 3 hours 50 minutes
E-bike 3 hours 4 minutes

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length 52.13 km
theme birds, villages, rural
Kcal 1153
Fiets 3 hours 50 minutes
E-bike 3 hours 4 minutes

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