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Cycling route the Countess of Buren

length 29.66 km
theme historical, castles, rural
Kcal 512
Fiets 1 hours 42 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 21 minutes

Buren, Buurmalsen, Zoelen

Young Anna of Egmont, daughter of Maximilian of Egmont and Francoise de Lancy, became countess of Buren by succession when her father died in 1548. Anna was only 15 years old.

Anna was neither the first countess of Buren nor the last. But certainly the most prominent. Coming from a puissant wealthy family with prestige, she managed to gain even more prestige through her marriage to William of Orange. As a result, he became the count of Buren, she became princess of Orange-Nassau.

It was not a long marriage, Anna van Egmont died seven years after she married in the former castle Huis Buren. Anna is buried in Breda's Grote Kerk, but is forever remembered by Buren. This route takes you past the Orange town of Buren and the statue of the young couple. At the museum Buren and the Oranges, you will learn much more about the history of the Countess of Buren.

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length 29.66 km
theme historical, castles, rural
Kcal 512
Fiets 1 hours 42 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 21 minutes

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length 29.66 km
theme historical, castles, rural
Kcal 512
Fiets 1 hours 42 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 21 minutes

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