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Cycling route between Veluwe and IJssel landscape

length 56.87 km
theme villages, rural, nature
Kcal 1092
Fiets 3 hours 38 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 54 minutes

Hattem, Epe, Heerde

Hattem is a small Hanseatic town with many monuments and a few nice museums, such as the Voerman Museum and the Dutch Bakery Museum. At this artisanal farm, there is a fun activity for children every Saturday. The Voerman Museum takes you past the impressive works of art made by Jan Voerman Junior and Senior, as well as items from Hattem's medieval history.

You will cycle through the beautiful forest area of the Veluwe. The Veluwe is a real animal kingdom, so who knows, you might come across some wildlife! Heaths and forests alternate as you cycle towards the towns of Epe and Heerde.

It is precisely the variety in the route between the nature reserves of De Dellen, Renderklippen and the beautiful IJssel landscape that makes this cycle route so beautiful to cycle. So definitely bring your camera, if you like taking photos, to capture the most beautiful pictures.

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length 56.87 km
theme villages, rural, nature
Kcal 1092
Fiets 3 hours 38 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 54 minutes

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length 56.87 km
theme villages, rural, nature
Kcal 1092
Fiets 3 hours 38 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 54 minutes

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