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Cycle route with forest, heath and water

length 47.28 km
theme villages, rural, mills
Kcal 1024
Fiets 3 hours 24 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 43 minutes

Eerbeek, Loenen, Brummen

This cycle route takes you through the beautiful and varied landscape south of Apeldoorn. The path takes you past dense forests, open moors and gently flowing waters-perfect for a relaxing day of cycling.

The ride starts in Oosterhuizen, where you immediately enter a wooded area. This wooded part contrasts with the village centre, which still has many old farms and open fields. It's like cycling through history, each village with its own story.

Further on, you reach the Loenermark, known for its vast heathland and historic sheepfold. This is a wonderful place to take a break and enjoy the peaceful, natural surroundings.

Along the route, there are several places where you can stop to discover more about the nature and history of this region. These Pit stops invite you to stretch your legs and take in the surroundings.

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length 47.28 km
theme villages, rural, mills
Kcal 1024
Fiets 3 hours 24 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 43 minutes

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length 47.28 km
theme villages, rural, mills
Kcal 1024
Fiets 3 hours 24 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 43 minutes

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