Cycle route Travel along the stars

Leiden, Katwijk, Wassenaar
Even William Shakespeare already knew, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Man has always been fascinated by what is going on up there. Were you also excitedly watching the very first moon landing? And the space trips of Wubbo Ockels and André Kuipers as well? Then this is the cycling route for you: it not only takes you to Space Expo in Noordwijk, but also to the oldest functioning observatory in the world in Leiden.
On a bike, of course, you will also enjoy the beautiful South Holland countryside. The dunes near Katwijk, the country estates near Wassenaar and the outskirts of Leiden are good for three stars anyway. And how many stars do you give the refreshments on the terraces you take in?
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