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Cycle route through the Mossel village

length 48.66 km
theme cultural, culinary
Kcal 835
Fiets 2 hours 46 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 13 minutes

Bruinisse, Sirjansland, Zonnemaire

Welcome to Bruinisse, the mussel village par excellence! This cycle route takes you through the rich history of mussel culture, from which Bruinisse derives its identity. With its active mussel fleet and annual fishing days, the mussel here is not just a delicacy, but a lifeline for the local community.

Once upon a time, Bruinisse had 120 fishing vessels sailing the Oosterschelde and Grevelingen for mussel fishing. Today, 23 mussel farms, mussel wholesalers and specialised shipyards still flourish here. And don't forget the Mossel Guild, a unique partnership between local restaurants, growers and traders who guarantee the best mussel quality.

Cycle along the dykes of the Grevelingen and discover the mussel farms in the water. At the Mudflats of Bommenede, enjoy the beautiful views of nature and Zeeland's bird sanctuary. Also special: the only saltworks in the Netherlands that extracts salt directly from seawater.

All this, and more, makes Mosseldorp Bruinisse unique and an absolute recommendation for lovers of Zeeland's culture and nature!

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length 48.66 km
theme cultural, culinary
Kcal 835
Fiets 2 hours 46 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 13 minutes

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length 48.66 km
theme cultural, culinary
Kcal 835
Fiets 2 hours 46 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 13 minutes

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