Cycle Route ‘s-Gravelandse Estates – Sypesteyn Castle

's Graveland, Tienhoven, Hilversum
The area of ‘s Graveland boasts a string of stunning country estates nestled into the picturesque landscape. During the 17th and 18th century, this area of ’s Graveland became a popular place among wealthy Amsterdam merchants. They arrived via the river Vecht, acquired land and consequently built impressive country estates. During the summer months they would escape the busy, dusty city to live country life at its best; enjoy the peace and quiet of nature and their own stunning gardens, good food, music and the fine arts.
The cycle route starts and ends at the touristic connecting point visitors centre Gooi and Vechtstreek and from there leads along a string of beautiful country estates called Boekesteijn, Sperwershof, Spanderswoud, Hilverbeek, Trompenburgh and Gooilust. The majority are privately owned and therefore not open to the public. The highlight of the cycle route is Sypesteyn Castle in Loosdrecht, a charming museum castle with an extensive collection of porcelain. Loosdrecht used to be an important world player in the production of characteristic porcelain. Sypesteyn Castle belongs to the National Castle Route: a collection of the most beautiful castle museums and gardens as well as country estates in Holland.
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