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Cycle route Pure Delight | Nature & Landscape

82.83 km
rural, nature
6 hours 1 minutes
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Route contains
39 nodes

Doetinchem, Bronkhorst, Vorden

De Keuken van Hackfort is all about 'Pure Delight': enjoying everything good from the Achterhoek in its purest form. In cooperation with De Keuken van Hackfort, we created four Pure Delight cycle routes. The routes take you to places where you can experience and taste the Achterhoek.

Vorden is in the municipality of Bronckhorst. Although Bronkhorst is the smallest town in the Netherlands, the municipality is actually one of the largest! The municipality spreads from Zutphen along the river IJssel to just above Doesburg and Doetinchem, and with Halle, the border passes just in front of Ruurlo and Lochem. In this area lies nature reserve the Graafschap, which in turn is divided into several nature reserves and estates. Discover the varied landscape of Bronckhorst municipality and enjoy the green oases of peace and space.

From the starting point, you first pass through the Kruisberg Woods and Hekenbroek. The woods have many height differences thanks to the river dunes that were formed here some 10,000 years ago by the wind, which blew the sand into dunes. The dunes, fens and many ditches are characteristic of these forests. Hekenbroek, on the other hand, is originally a damp forest. That's why you see a lot of vegetation here that thrives in moist environments, such as the wood anemone and many mushrooms. The many flowers also attract many butterflies. In spring and summer, you will therefore see many butterflies fluttering around you!

Through rural atmospheres, you cycle towards the river IJssel. Enjoy the view of the flowing river as you cycle through the floodplains towards Bronkhorst. A short deviation at junction 50 brings you into the charming historic centre of this small town. Cycle through the narrow streets to the chapel and castle ruins. Continue through the green vast meadows along the river IJssel. Near Wichmond, you increasingly enter the typical Achterhoek coulisse landscape: the lands are enclosed by high rows of trees, forming a kind of patchwork quilt. Between the rows of trees you are treated to beautiful vistas.

Further north, you cycle through wooded areas to Almen. There you will again find some beautiful natural areas, such as the Velhorst estate. Around an impressive manor house, the rhododendrons, park garden and historic vegetable garden also catch the eye. The Kienveen is a separate part of the estate; a mini-swamp where unusual plants grow. Further on, you come to the Great Field. This used to literally be a large field and you could see the towns of Lochem and Vorden from Almen. In 1920, this area was afforested for timber production. Now, with nature management, it is again being turned into a varied and regional forest. On the moors in this area, you might just come across a large flock of sheep!

Tip: Split this route into two to fully enjoy the surroundings. In Almen, about halfway along the route, you will find the beautiful country hotel De Hoofdige Boer. Spend the night in style and let yourself be pampered so that you can continue the cycle route the next day well-rested.

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82.83 km
rural, nature
6 hours 1 minutes
route contains
Route contains
39 nodes

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82.83 km
rural, nature
6 hours 1 minutes
route contains
Route contains
39 nodes

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