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Cycle route between the Great Rivers

length 40.28 km
theme forts, nature
Kcal 742
Fiets 2 hours 28 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 58 minutes

Heerewaarden, Dreumel, Alphen

At the place where the Netherlands' two Great Rivers (the Maas and the Waal) meet, lies a beautiful piece of untouched nature. Nothing has been done to the landscape for the past 60 years, allowing nature to take its own course entirely. The result is a beautifully balanced ecosystem, where old trees and colourful flowers provide great biodiversity.

At the westernmost tip of The Land of Maas and Waal are two former forts: Sint-Andries and De Voorn. Once serving as defences during the Eighty Years' War, now you mainly enjoy the serene nature there. Native plant species, such as marjoram, dewberry and even roses, thrive in the landscape. Bats hibernate in the ruins and the rare crested newt finds its home in the moat.

Visit the De Grote Rivieren visitor centre and learn more about the origins of the area, its flora and fauna.

Nature will make you completely unwind. Want to unwind even further? Then plan a walk with the donkeys from Ezelboerderij De Dijk in Dreumel. The gentle animals absolutely do not allow themselves to be chased, so the only solution is for you to walk with them at your leisure. Ultimate relaxation!

With this cycle route, you will enjoy the beauty of the meeting point of two of the Netherlands' largest rivers. And all in one day!

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length 40.28 km
theme forts, nature
Kcal 742
Fiets 2 hours 28 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 58 minutes

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length 40.28 km
theme forts, nature
Kcal 742
Fiets 2 hours 28 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 58 minutes

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