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Cycle route around Lake Grevelingen

length 84.69 km
theme birds, mills
Kcal 1519
Fiets 5 hours 3 minutes
E-bike 4 hours 2 minutes

Bruinisse, Brouwershaven, Ouddorp

Located on the border between the provinces of Zeeland and South Holland, Lake Grevelingen is the largest saltwater lake in Western Europe. This special lake was created after the Grevelingen was closed off by the Grevelingendam and the Brouwers Dam in the 1960s and 1970s, as part of the Delta Plan. The Delta Plan was a response to the 1953 flood disaster and aimed to protect the South Holland and Zeeland islands from the sea.

The flora and fauna in and around Lake Grevelingen are extremely diverse. Underwater, the lake has rich marine life, including seaweeds, sea anemones, lobsters and various fish species. Above water, the area attracts a wide variety of birds, including different species of waterfowl and migratory birds, making it an important place for bird watchers.

The closure and creation of the Grevelingen as a lake by the construction of the Brouwers Dam, has dramatically changed the original ecosystem. The dynamics of the water, as it existed with low and high tides, virtually came to a halt with the closure of the lake from the North Sea. However, this situation is about to change. There are plans to reconnect Lake Grevelingen to the North Sea through a culvert in the Brouwers Dam. This initiative will restore the natural tidal cycle, allowing the water in the lake to mix again with oxygen-rich seawater. Fish, plants and other aquatic organisms will benefit from this change, leading to an enrichment of the lake's biodiversity.

This cycle route leads you around Lake Grevelingen, past several South Holland and Zeeland attractions. You start the tour in Bruinisse, on Schouwen-Duiveland, where you will find several parking places around the harbours, to leave your car and get on your bike. Over the Grevelingendam, you will cycle to Goeree Overflakkee in Zuid-Holland. Don't forget to enjoy all that beautiful nature and get off at one of our selected Pit stops.

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length 84.69 km
theme birds, mills
Kcal 1519
Fiets 5 hours 3 minutes
E-bike 4 hours 2 minutes

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length 84.69 km
theme birds, mills
Kcal 1519
Fiets 5 hours 3 minutes
E-bike 4 hours 2 minutes

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