Twickel Castle
Twickel Castle
Twickel Castle
Twickel Castle
Twickel Castle

Twickel Castle - Ambt Delden

N 52.2743524 / E 6.7098482

The varied landscape around Twickel Castle consists of gently sloping fields and meadows, forests and ancient oaks, moors and fens. Streams and hedgerows wind between them. The estate contains some one hundred and fifty farms, recognizable by black and white shutters, and other buildings such as two watermills, the water tower and the sawmill. Culture and nature blend harmoniously together at Twickel. The Twickel Foundation allows everyone to enjoy this: almost the entire Twickel estate is open to walkers on roads and paths. Cyclists and riders are welcome on the marked trails.

Twickel Castle
Twickel Castle
Twickel Castle
Twickel Castle

Twickel Castle
Twickelerlaan 7
7495 VG Ambt Delden

Contact details
T: +31743761020

Opening hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Friday 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday 10:00 - 17:00

These opening hours apply to the estate store from April to October. Check the website for other opening hours and for those of gardens and orangery. There are also the events that take place around the castle.

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