Putter Stoomgemaal
The Putter Steam Pumping Station

The Putter Steam Pumping Station - Putten

N 52.2615742 / E 5.4958153

The Putter Steam Pumping Station is one of eight still operating steam pumping stations in the Netherlands and has been around since 1885. The water level in was kept at the right level by two steam pumping stations, one of which was this steam pumping station. Since 1976, this steam pumping station has been a national monument.

In 2000, volunteers and the owners restored the monument. Thanks to them, the pumping station was able to run again in 2006, after 25 years of downtime.

Putter Stoomgemaal

The Putter Steam Pumping Station
Arlersteeg 30
3882 RS Putten

Contact details
T: +31332453257
E: info@putterstoomgemaal.nl

There are 10 running days per season (April to October). Then the steam pumping station is open from 10:00 - 16:00 and the pumping station operates from 11:00. Look for the dates on the website under the heading plan your visit.

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