Molen de Kathammer
The Kathammer Mill

The Kathammer Mill - Katwoude / Volendam

N 52.490356 / E 5.057151

The windmill drains the Katwoude-Hogendijk polder, both by wind and electrically, and is located near the southern edge of the village of Volendam. The first windmill for the Katwoude polder was built in 1649, a heavy inner porter and drained into the Zuiderzee via a drainage sluice. Around 1980 people start talking about restoring the mill in the context of the land consolidation Waterland. In 1983 the Foundation Vrienden van de Katwouder Molen was established. The windmill would be rebuilt and house a fully automatic electric auger pumping station. The pumping station was completed in the summer of 1987, after which the mill was repaired. The mill was put into operation on October 1, 1988.

Molen de Kathammer

The Kathammer Mill
Achterdichting 1a
1145 PX Katwoude / Volendam

Contact details
T: +31614893530

Visits daily between April 1 and November 30, only for groups and by appointment.

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