Schotse Hooglander
Scottish Highlander (Vechtdal)

Scottish Highlander (Vechtdal) - Beerze

N 52.521453789011 / E 6.5410075761094

The Scottish Highlanders from Vechtdal Hooglanders farm, a little further along Marsdijk, graze in the floodplains of the Vecht. You will recognise this shaggy, blocky cow from afar. In many Dutch nature reserves, the breed is used to cut the grass. It has become the favourite of terrain managers and feels completely at home in the Netherlands. Perhaps they wouldn't even recognise the mountains and valleys of Scotland.

In the past, the Highlanders swam over large bodies of water without difficulty on their long treks to the markets where they were sold. They were sold mainly for meat and draught, not for milk. The milk production of Scottish Highlanders is too low for trade and is only used to raise calves.

Do not underestimate this cow. Despite the hair falling over their eyes, they are alert and know what they are doing with their big horns. Although they are generally friendly, it is important to keep some distance. No cow is completely predictable, and even the cuddly-looking Highlanders can react unexpectedly, especially if there are young animals around.

If you can't see the cows, you can stop by Janneke and Dennis Bremmer's farm shop or check their website. They also offer excursions to the grazing areas, where you will almost certainly see the cows.

Schotse Hooglander

Scottish Highlander (Vechtdal)
Marsdijk 8
7736 PL Beerze

Contact details
T: + 31 523 – 882 927

Opening hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10:00 - 12:00
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed
Saturday 10:00 - 12:00
Sunday Closed

These opening hours apply to the farm shop. On days other than those indicated, the farm shop is open by appointment. Except on Sundays, when the shop is closed.

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