Kasteel Rijckholt
Rijckholt Castle

Rijckholt Castle - Gronsveld

N 50.7999283 / E 5.7295268

In park-like surroundings on the edge of the Heuvelland region, Rijckholt castle is located. Consisting of a medieval tower, a main wing and two lower side wings, the castle used to stand within a double moat. The Van Gronsveld family had the large, originally medieval square tower rebuilt in the 14th century.

Both wings come into being in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, under the Liège-based De Bounam family. Near the castle are also a coach house and hunting lodge. During World War II, Germans were stationed in the coach house; the eagle statue is a legacy and must be an exact replica of the eagle on the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.

Rijckholt is a compound of the words rich (mighty, royal) and holt (wood, forest with tall standing trees).

Kasteel Rijckholt
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