Plechelmuskerk Saasveld
Gebrandschilderd glas
Plechelmus church

Plechelmus church - Saasveld

N 52.330779 / E 6.810059

800 years ago Saterslo Castle was located here. Now you can find the St. Plechelmus Church here, built in 1926 on Kerkeiland. A beautiful outside moat surrounds the church. What is so special about this church? Take a look at the stained glass windows! These were made by the Oldenzaal glazier and painter Jan Schoenaker. The wood carvings, the location, the garden with monumental trees and the pond also make this location a special stop point.

Plechelmuskerk Saasveld
Gebrandschilderd glas

Plechelmus church
Hoflaan 14
7597 LS Saasveld

Contact details
T: +31743494254

Opening hours
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday 14:00 - 17:00

Open every first Sunday of the month from May to September from 13.00-16.00 hours.

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