Nationaal Park De Maasduinen
National Park De Maasduinen

National Park De Maasduinen - Well

N 51.5744188 / E 6.0855634

With a length of over 20 kilometres and an area of more than 4500 hectares, De Maasduinen National Park is a sizeable nature reserve. The landscape stretches in Limburg between the River Maas and the German border and is the longest river dune belt in the Netherlands!

Centuries of interaction between water, wind and "help" from man have resulted in a beautiful nature area with many special animals and plants. The rare nightjar can be found here, as well as more than thirty different species of butterfly and several species of reptile. Beavers have also found their niche here and the crane rests here in spring and autumn during its migration. Take your time to relax and discover the surroundings by bike or on foot.

Nationaal Park De Maasduinen

National Park De Maasduinen
Bosserheide 3B
5855 EA Well

Contact details
T: +31774737575

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