Huis Ampsen
Informatiebord Huis Ampsen
Huis Ampsen in Lochem
House Ampsen

House Ampsen - Lochem

N 52.172957 / E 6.4232785

Castle Old Ampsen and New Ampsen are believed to have been destroyed in 1582, during the siege of Lochem by Francisco Verdugo and his Spanish troops. But since Lochem was targeted more often by the Spanish, it is possible that this did not happen until 1605. Squire Spinola, working for the Spanish king, possibly visited Old Ampsen and New Ampsen to plunder and destroy them. In any case, the then castles were not subsequently

Only the moats remained reasonably intact, but around 1832 they were filled in. In the 17th century, construction of the current Ampsen House began. Standing alone, Ampsen castle is the oldest surviving structure in Lochem and has never been sold. Through inheritance, the castle has always remained within the Van Nagell family, until the Van Weede family inherited the house in 1984.

Huis Ampsen
Informatiebord Huis Ampsen
Huis Ampsen in Lochem

House Ampsen
Laan Ampsen 8
7241 NG Lochem

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House Ampsen is not open to visitors, but from the outside it is also well worth seeing.

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