Historic Vegetable Garden Nieuw-Amelisweerd

Historic Vegetable Garden Nieuw-Amelisweerd - Bunnik

N 52.0703996 / E 5.1580161

A vegetable garden was an integral part of a country estate to provide for the immediate needs of its owners. The Nieuw-Amelisweerd kitchen garden probably existed since the Middle Ages and was part of the Nieuw-Amelisweerd estate. From 1808 to 1810, Nieuw-Amelisweerd was owned by King Louis Napoleon. At that time, the estate included this "large and well-designed vegetable gardens, provided with many and exquisite fruit trees".

The last owner of the kitchen garden was the Bosch van Drakenstein family. They sold the estate to the municipality of Utrecht in 1963. After being used as an animal pasture for many years, the kitchen garden was restored to its former glory.


Historic Vegetable Garden Nieuw-Amelisweerd
Koningslaan 5a
3981 HD Bunnik

Contact details
T: +31 343 57 59 95
E: info@tuinderijdevollegrond.nl

To be visited on Castle Day. Part of the Cycle route full of stories: https://dagvanhetkasteel.nl/exoten/

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