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Dominican Chapel

Dominican Chapel - Venlo

N 51.367273 / E 6.1682945

At a special place in Venlo, on the beautiful historic alley 'Floddergats' (Keizerstraat) and the Dominican Square, lies the former Dominican Church. The chapel belonged to the former Augustinian monastery and dates from the year 1416. On the fencing in Keizerstraat, you can see all kinds of heads. These symbolise 32 personae from Venlo's dialect and were made by Venlo artist Ger Janssen. The Dominican chapel has the protected status of a national monument.

In 2003, the chapel was renamed as a cultural centre and various exhibitions and performances are held there. You can also go there for the tourist information. Since 2003, you can visit the chapel for cultural exhibitions and performances.

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Dominican Chapel
Dominicanenplein 15
5911 KN Venlo

Contact details
T: +3177-352 2668

Domani can only be visited during a guided tour, which can be booked at the Tourist info (VVV) of Venlo.

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