Landhuis Mariendaal
Landhuis Mariendaal
Landhuis Mariendaal
Country house Mariendaal

Country house Mariendaal - Oosterbeek

N 51.9886522 / E 5.8623733

The estate is located against the slope of the Veluwezoom, where there are differences in altitude. Because the estate is located in the valleys, it was also called Mariëndaal. On the estate first stood a monastery, which was also called "the house at the Well of Saint Mary.

After Mariëndaal was reformed around 1699, the monastery was demolished and the estate was sold to the Arnhem regent Johan Brantsen. He built his mansion here which was rebuilt again in 1857 when the van Eck family acquired the land. The house is surrounded by beautiful plants and gardens.

Landhuis Mariendaal
Landhuis Mariendaal
Landhuis Mariendaal

Country house Mariendaal
Mariendaal 8
6861 WN Oosterbeek

Contact details
T: +31263552555

The estate is freely accessible; the house and its immediate surroundings are not accessible.

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