Country estate Doornveld

Country estate Doornveld - Doorn

N 52.0375505 / E 5.3140844

Ravesteijn owned a tile factory and built the house for his daughter. After them, the house was in the hands of several owners. The house was occupied as a boarding house by Jonkheer Egbert Lintelo de Geer, who initially rented the property and bought it in 1924. Between 1917 and 1932, a guest book was kept of the guest house, which is now owned by his grandson: theatre maker Ursul de Geer. In 1969, Doornveld was sold to a foundation for the elderly with disabilities. Since then, Doornveld has not been a residential house. From 1988, it has been used as an office.


Country estate Doornveld
Driebergsestraatweg 27
3941 ZS Doorn

Contact details
T: +31 343 491341
E: kastelen@fietsnetwerk.nl

House and immediate surroundings cannot be visited. To be visited on Castle Day.

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