Avonturenspeelplaats Twiske
Adventure playground at 't Twiske

Adventure playground at 't Twiske - Oostzaan

N 52.4442712429 / E 4.889854974

Come and play and have adventures at the Adventure playground at 't Twiske! Here you can have the time of your life on the ferries, climbing towers, cableway and a real tube fort. But that is not all. There is a raft bridge, a pirate ship and a mysterious treasure chest. What do you think is inside?

In addition to the adventure playground, you can also relax on the playing fields. There is also a kiosk and toilets at the playground.

Avonturenspeelplaats Twiske

Adventure playground at 't Twiske
Noorderlaaik 1
1511 BX Oostzaan

Contact details
E: info@twiske-waterland.nl

Opening hours
Open 24 hours

Open every day from sunrise to sunset.

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