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Short cycle route along the Rhine

length 33.51 km
theme rural, culinary, nature
Kcal 683
Fiets 2 hours 16 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 49 minutes

Kesteren, Lienden, Rhenen

The Rhine river has its source in Switzerland near Graubünden and often takes rain and meltwater with it on its journey through our country. This is why the river forelands provide an extra wide stream bed. On this cycle route, you follow a part of the Rhine, cross the river twice and cycle along its banks. These banks are worth seeing at low tide, but at high tide they make the cycle route even more spectacular.

Shortly after crossing the Rhine at Wageningen by ferry, you will come across an old Roman watchtower. The watchtower is a replica, but gives you a good idea of how the fortress, which stood here years ago, was defended. Climb the tower for a magnificent view over the Rhine on one side and on the other side the nature reserve De Spees, where the fort used to stand.

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length 33.51 km
theme rural, culinary, nature
Kcal 683
Fiets 2 hours 16 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 49 minutes

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length 33.51 km
theme rural, culinary, nature
Kcal 683
Fiets 2 hours 16 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 49 minutes

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