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Cycle route in the Meierij

length 68.12 km
theme villages, rural, nature
Kcal 1270
Fiets 4 hours 13 minutes
E-bike 3 hours 23 minutes

Sint-Oedenrode,Veghel, Schijndel

During this cycle route, you will pass through a part of the 's-Hertogenbosch Meierij. This area was the quarter of the Duchy of Brabant and the 'meier' was chosen by the Duke as the local administrator.

This area in eastern Brabant has gone through many changes over the years. It flourished, came to war, villages were burnt down, the population decreased and the Catholic faith was banned and allowed again. Eventually, the meierij was abolished and the area became part of Brabant. The population of the former meierij felt a special bond with each other and celebrated life. This part of Brabant therefore feels extra Burgundian!

While cycling through this typical Brabant landscape, you will come across the Boerenbondsmuseum in Gemert. Here you will discover how the villages of Brabant used to look like. Authentic buildings, crafts and a real harbour: you will see it all in this special museum. Before and after your visit to the museum, you will cycle quite a bit through villages and nature, so it is extra nice that you have just seen how the area looked like years ago!

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length 68.12 km
theme villages, rural, nature
Kcal 1270
Fiets 4 hours 13 minutes
E-bike 3 hours 23 minutes

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length 68.12 km
theme villages, rural, nature
Kcal 1270
Fiets 4 hours 13 minutes
E-bike 3 hours 23 minutes

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