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Cycle route Excellently enjoying Gelderland

length 54.37 km
theme villages, culinary, nature
Kcal 1002
Fiets 3 hours 20 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 40 minutes

Bronkhorst, Vorden, Zelhem

Do you want to enjoy the surroundings and enjoy (tasty) moments of dismounting? There is plenty of both on this cycle route! Get to know beautiful Bronkhorst a little better by visiting the castle ruins and the mill. Enjoy the surroundings and... chocolate! At Magdalena Chocolade & Meer you will taste delectable chocolates and artisanal scoop ice cream. In Vierakker, it is worth getting off your bike and taking a beautiful walk through nature.

In Zelhem, they love food too. Every evening at 9pm, you can still hear the 'porridge bell' here. The bells used to be rung to alert the people in the village that it was almost bedtime and then it was time to put the porridge on the table. Nowadays, you no longer have to eat porridge at home at the kitchen table at 9 p.m. sharp, and even the bell ringer has been exchanged for an electric machine that does its work on a timer, but the bell still rings!

Along the way, you can get off at restaurants with specialities you can lick your fingers at. All in all, a tasty route through beautiful surroundings. Enjoy!

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length 54.37 km
theme villages, culinary, nature
Kcal 1002
Fiets 3 hours 20 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 40 minutes

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length 54.37 km
theme villages, culinary, nature
Kcal 1002
Fiets 3 hours 20 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 40 minutes

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