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Cycle route Climbing in South Limburg

length 43.59 km
theme cultural, historical, culinary
Kcal 765
Fiets 2 hours 33 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 2 minutes

Valkenburg, Margraten, Gulpen

Admittedly, this is not the easiest route that has to offer. But anyone who takes up the challenge will discover 'how beautiful Limburg is'. Valkenburg, nestled between the green hills of South Limburg, is also known as the Tuscany on the Geul. The renovated Geulpoort, Grendelpoort and Halderpark are the pearls of this fortified town.

On the Margraten plateau lies the town of the same name, known above all for its large American military cemetery. Out of respect and gratitude, the government ceded the land to the United States for perpetual use after the Second World War.

Gulpen is located almost along the Belgian border. In Gulpen, you can swim or climb the climbing walls, after which you can relax in the cosy town centre. Of course while enjoying one of the special beers that the local brewery has to offer.

If you dare to conquer the Schaesberg or Keutenberg, famous and infamous among cyclists, you will be rewarded with a beautiful view of the lovely village of Schin op Geul. Near Oud-Valkenburg are the castles of Genhoes and Schaloen. For enthusiasts, nature reserve 'Het Gerendal' offers even more beauty of Limburg.

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length 43.59 km
theme cultural, historical, culinary
Kcal 765
Fiets 2 hours 33 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 2 minutes

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length 43.59 km
theme cultural, historical, culinary
Kcal 765
Fiets 2 hours 33 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 2 minutes

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