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Betuwe terrace tour

length 41.93 km
theme blossom, family, cultural
Kcal 736
Fiets 2 hours 27 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 57 minutes

Tiel, Asch, Geldermalsen

There is nothing better than settling down at a nice terrace with a cold drink in your hand before, during or after cycling. During this route, you will pass the most beautiful, nicest and cosiest terraces in the Betuwe. Stop at one for coffee and freshly baked pastries, at another for an extensive lunch, and end around drinks time on the terrace with a special beer and a snack. Of course, you can stop along the way for a few more (alcoholic) refreshments while you discover the surroundings.

The Betuwe is known for its horticulture. In particular, for growing fruit in the orchards. Because of this, you will come across fruit stands along the way. In spring, you will see many blossoms. You will also pass a fruit tasting stall and Tiel's number one museum: Flipje & streekmuseum. Flipje became the logo of the Betuwe thanks to the clever marketing of a jam factory. You can find out how that happened in the museum. Besides fruit, you can also admire 53 different types of hydrangeas in the hydrangea nursery in Zoelen.

You will also come across Tiel, Asch and Geldermalsen on your cycle route through the Betuwe. Tiel used to be a Hanseatic city. The city benefited from Nijmegen becoming a member of the Hanseatic League in 1402. Shortly afterwards, Tiel followed suit. However, the city was too small and in 1430, as a result, Tiel was no longer allowed to speak on its own behalf at meetings (The Hanseatic Days). Nijmegen had to speak on behalf of Tiel from then on. Nevertheless, the city was a member until the 17th century.

Enjoy the most atmospheric terraces during this cycle route and combine this with discovering the beautiful Betuwe. You are guaranteed to enjoy!

Tip: You can shorten the route by about 10 kilometres by going to node 68 at node 01.

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length 41.93 km
theme blossom, family, cultural
Kcal 736
Fiets 2 hours 27 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 57 minutes

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length 41.93 km
theme blossom, family, cultural
Kcal 736
Fiets 2 hours 27 minutes
E-bike 1 hours 57 minutes

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