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Betuwe & Lower Rhine route

length 51.76 km
theme flowers, villages, rural
Kcal 933
Fiets 3 hours 6 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 29 minutes

Opheusden, Wijk bij Duurstede, Ommeren

A lovely route to explore on your (electric) bike, on an E-chopper or on a retro scooter! Start from De Markplas in Opheusden, the heart of the Betuwe. Here you can find plenty of fun outings.

From here, you quickly reach the main thread of this cycle route: the Lower Rhine. While riding along the banks, you will be treated to panoramic views over the water and the green landscape that surrounds you.

After a leisurely ride and sail on the ferry, you will arrive in Amerongen. Admire the 17th-century castle, one of the beloved highlights of this Utrecht town. In Wijk bij Duurstede, you will find beautiful castle ruins. Stroll through the town's charming streets and admire the historic buildings while taking in the cosy atmosphere.

Via another ferry you return to the Betuwe, where you can feast your eyes on the vast fruit orchards and water-rich landscapes. In spring, the trees are in bloom and in late summer there is plenty of freshly picked fruit.

Picturesque rural roads bring you back to Opheusden, where you can recover from all the impressions at one of the fine catering establishments.

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length 51.76 km
theme flowers, villages, rural
Kcal 933
Fiets 3 hours 6 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 29 minutes

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length 51.76 km
theme flowers, villages, rural
Kcal 933
Fiets 3 hours 6 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 29 minutes

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