Slot Doddendael
Doddendael Castle

Doddendael Castle - Ewijk

N 51.8742614 / E 5.7475197

Doddendael Castle is a medieval castle surrounded by a moat. It has a history of looting, fires, demolition and, again and again, rebuilding. Because the castle is first mentioned in old documents in 1332, it is assumed that Doddendael was built around that time. It was named after the bulrushes that were common in this swampy area.

From 1489, it was owned by the Westphalian Roman Catholic Van Stepraedt family for three centuries. During these centuries, the castle was attacked by the Nijmegen people, who set fire to it. When restoration by the family began, it was occupied by the Spaniards. Prince Maurice recaptured Doddendael Castle and again had it set on fire. The Van Stepreadt family started restoration work again until Catholic worship was banned in the 17th century. The castle cellar was made available as a shelter church. The remains of this can still be seen today.

From 1977, the current owner H. Braam had a thorough restoration carried out. Apart from the house, there are several outbuildings and the remains of a rampart wall on the property island. Currently, Doddendael Castle is a restaurant and a beautiful location for parties and celebrations.

Slot Doddendael

Doddendael Castle
Binnenweg 2
6644 KD Ewijk

Contact details
T: +31 487-521862

Opening hours
Open 24 hours

The estate is freely accessible.

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