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Liberation route Arnhem and Wageningen

length 57.12 km
theme cultural, historical, rural
Kcal 1028
Fiets 3 hours 25 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 44 minutes

Arnhem, Oosterbeek, Wageningen

Operation Market Garden is probably the most famous battle in World War II. The Battle of Arnhem, from 17 to 26 September 1944, was its final chapter.

Through a combination of bad luck and coincidence, the Allies failed to capture the Rhine Bridge in Arnhem, which you cycle over during this route. When it turned out that Market Garden had failed, many paratroopers were on the wrong side of the Rhine. Mainly due to the deployment of Polish paratroopers led by General Sosabowski, some 2,400 managed to escape near the Westerbouwing.

Finally, in May 1945, Germany's capitulation was signed in Hotel de Wereld in Wageningen. The Airborne Museum Hartenstein, the former headquarters of the British, together with the information centre on the Battle of Arnhem, Airborne at the Bridge, tells the whole story.

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length 57.12 km
theme cultural, historical, rural
Kcal 1028
Fiets 3 hours 25 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 44 minutes

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length 57.12 km
theme cultural, historical, rural
Kcal 1028
Fiets 3 hours 25 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 44 minutes

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