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Experience the Golden Age in Medemblik

length 49.06 km
theme cultural, villages, historical
Kcal 848
Fiets 2 hours 49 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 15 minutes

Medemblik, Wervershoof, Opmeer

Museums, churches, monuments and castles: in Medemblik you will find a lot of sights from the Golden Age. If you get on your bicycle in this area, you will enter the Golden Age. You feel, experience and see the environment as it looked in that time.

For example, pay a visit to Radboud Castle, built by Count Floris V, who wanted to keep the West Frisians under his control. A location that you really should not skip during this cycling route through the Golden Age is the City Hall and Archeology Museum. Here, history is brought back to life and you can admire an impressive collection of objects. Are you wondering why there are three 'crooked' buildings in this municipality? Then go and visit Het Scheve Huis and discover the real reason behind this. Of course we also provide tasty relaxation moments during this bike ride. So get on your bike and enjoy a wonderful day of the Golden Age in Medemblik!

A total of 7 icons from the Golden Age can be found in the region. These icons can also be recognized by the gold coins in the pavement. You will find them under the disembarkation points at this cycling route. Do you want to shorten the route a bit? Then go at junction 70 via junction 73 to junction 54. The route is then approximately 25 kilometers.

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length 49.06 km
theme cultural, villages, historical
Kcal 848
Fiets 2 hours 49 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 15 minutes

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length 49.06 km
theme cultural, villages, historical
Kcal 848
Fiets 2 hours 49 minutes
E-bike 2 hours 15 minutes

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