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Airborne cycle route

length 56.05 km
theme villages, historical, nature
Kcal 1213
Fiets 4 hours 2 minutes
E-bike 3 hours 14 minutes

Oosterbeek, Ede, Heelsum

Cycle the Airborne cycle route and discover the historic Battle of Arnhem. During World War II, this battle and airborne landing was the second largest operation on Dutch soil in this period, after the Battle of the Scheldt. This cycle route will take you past several disembarkation points, all centred on Airborne.

The Airborne Museum was the British headquarters during the Battle of Arnhem. Step into the museum and enter the middle of the battle. We also added the monument and cemetery to the cycle route. The Battle of Arnhem, also known as Operation Market Garden, cost the lives of many Allied soldiers. 1750 Allies lie here at the Airborne Cemetery.

Cycle through refreshing and beautiful nature while learning about an important part of the history of the Netherlands.

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length 56.05 km
theme villages, historical, nature
Kcal 1213
Fiets 4 hours 2 minutes
E-bike 3 hours 14 minutes

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length 56.05 km
theme villages, historical, nature
Kcal 1213
Fiets 4 hours 2 minutes
E-bike 3 hours 14 minutes

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